Car Myths and Misconceptions Debunked!

Car Myths and Misconceptions Debunked!

30th Sep 2016

BMW car drifting on a track with a driver inside, showcasing high-speed driving techniques

Manual Transmissions Don't Save Gas

Can a manual transmission really save you money at the pump? Absolutely! Studies have shown that cars with a manual transmission offer 2 to 5 mpg improved gas mileage when compared to similar makes and models with an automatic transmission. Over the course of a year, that can easily translate into hundreds of dollars in savings.

You Should Change Your Oil Every 3,000 Miles

This isn't technically false, as older cars and trucks required more frequent oil changes to keep the engine running smoothly. Today, however, there's really no need to change your oil every 3,000 miles. In fact, you can often drive for 5,000 to 7,000 miles before the oil needs to be changed. With that said, you should still make oil changes a priority, as driving around with dirty oil will eventually lead to engine failure.

Gassing Up in the Morning Saves Money

Unfortunately, filling up your gas tank in the early morning hours is not going to save you money. The general belief is that gas expands as it warms, allowing cars to squeeze more combustion out of their reserves. But most gas stations store their fuel in underground tanks where there's little-to-no difference in temperature, so it's doubtful you'll save money by filling up in the cooler, early morning hours.

You Should Warm Up the Engine Before Driving

When it's cold outside, you may feel the urge to let your car idle and "warm up" before driving. Older cars used carburetors to mix air with fuel, in which case they would need to be warmed up. Modern-day cars, however, use fuel injection systems, eliminating the need for warming up.

Premium Gas will Make Your Car Drive Better

It costs more than regular gas, so conventional wisdom should lead you to believe that premium gas yields greater performance over its counterpart. Well, this is just another myth that needs to go away. Premium gas has a higher octane rating, which can make a small difference in some higher-end engines but not most everyday vehicles. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has even said that using a higher octane gas than recommended in the owner's manual offers "no benefit."