How To Handle Oil Spills At Workshops?

How To Handle Oil Spills At Workshops?

13th Mar 2024

how to handle oil spills at workshops

Mechanics face the challenge of oil spills and chemical leaks daily. These accidents disrupt workflow and pose risks to safety and efficiency. Every good garage needs a dependable way to handle these oil spills.

This blog will explore the importance of mechanics taking the time to prepare for oil spills, as well as ways to clean up oil spills. We'll discuss how being prepared can reduce cleanup time, enhance safety, and improve workshop productivity.

Potential Risks of Oil Spills at Workshops

Oil spills in workshops are more than just a mess; they're a hazard that can affect every aspect of your operation. The impact is wide-ranging, from safety to productivity and the condition of your tools. Let's explore the specific risks that come with these spills.

  1. Increased Risk of Accidents and Injuries
    Oil spills on workshop floors create slippery surfaces, increasing the likelihood of accidents and injuries. This can keep workers off the job and slow down the operations in the garage.
  2. Interruption of Daily Operations
    Cleaning oil spills requires time and resources, so mechanics are pulled away from their primary tasks. This interruption affects productivity and can lead to missed deadlines and dissatisfied customers.
  3. Tools and Equipment Damage
    Oil spills can cause the degradation of tools and equipment. Prolonged exposure to these substances can cause corrosion and other damage, reducing the lifespan of valuable workshop equipment.

Handle Oil Spills At Your Workshop Like A Pro

Preparation can effectively manage oil spills in workshops: prevent, equip, and clean. 

Firstly, to prevent oil spills as much as possible, its recommended to use oil drain pans to keep your workshop clean.

Secondly, equip your space with oil-resistant mats designed for high-traffic areas and beneath machinery. These mats trap oil, preventing it from spreading on the floor and resisting chemical degradation, enhancing workshop safety and cleanliness.

For immediate spill response, maintain a stock of universal absorbents or clay granules. Apply these materials directly to spills to quickly absorb the oil, minimizing slip hazards and environmental impact. Ensure regular staff training on using these materials and proper disposal protocols to keep your workshop safe and compliant with environmental regulations.

Best Response Tools For Oil Spills

Secure Lock Oil Funnel


Make sure to choose the right funnel for your vehicle. Funnels that securely attach to oil containers for spill-free pouring minimize spills and keeping oil changes neat.

No-Spill Oil Refill Attachment


Use an oil refill attachment to control the flow of the oil to prevent spills. It simplifies oil changes, ensuring a clean and safe process.

Spill Response Kit with Bucket


A comprehensive spill cleanup kit in a bucket that’s easy to open and store used materials. It includes everything needed to address spills up to 4.5 gallons, making it ideal for handling oil and other fluids.

Find Your Workshop's Perfect Match at JB Tools

At JB Tools, we understand the challenges mechanics face with oil spills and messy workspaces. We're proud to offer a variety of  oil spill matsdrain pans, and funnels, which are designed to tackle these issues head-on. Dive into our collection and discover how these tools can change your workshop, providing durability, comfort, and cleanliness in one innovative solution.