How To Oil Pneumatic Tools?

How To Oil Pneumatic Tools?

28th Mar 2024

how to oil air tools

Pneumatic tools, crucial across various industries, require meticulous care to maintain efficiency and extend their lifespan. Regular and precise oiling is essential to keep pneumatic tools in top condition. This seemingly minor task is pivotal in preserving the tool's integrity and ensuring uninterrupted performance.

The process of oiling air tools involves more than just lubrication; it's about understanding the specific needs of your tools, including the correct oil type and quantity. Pneumatic impact tools' longevity relies on precise lubrication to get peak efficiency. This preventive measure not only enhances performance but also prevents wear and tear.

In this blog, we will explore the art of oiling air tools, focusing on pneumatic and impact tools. Let’s first understand why Oiling pneumatic tools is important.

Why Oil Pneumatic Tools?

Oiling pneumatic tools is a critical maintenance step, ensuring longevity and efficiency. Let's explore the benefits of this practice and highlight its impact on pneumatic impact tools' performance and durability.

1- Prevents Rust and Corrosion

Regularly lubricating air tools is crucial for protecting them against rust and corrosion. Moisture in compressed air can lead to oxidation, but oil forms a protective barrier, ensuring pneumatic tools remain in optimal condition.

2- Ensures Smooth Operation

Proper lubrication reduces friction among moving parts of pneumatic tools. This smooth operation prevents wear, extends the tool's life, and maintains high performance, especially in pneumatic impact tools.

3- Enhances Efficiency

Lubricated tools require less energy to achieve the same output, making operations more efficient. Regular oiling of pneumatic tools ensures they work efficiently, saving time and energy.

4- Minimizes Repair Costs

By keeping pneumatic tools well-oiled, you reduce the likelihood of breakdowns and the need for repairs. Consistent maintenance keeps tools reliable and ready to use, avoiding costly downtime and repairs.

How To Oil Pneumatic Tools?

Different pneumatic tools require different methods and lubricators for oiling. Let’s take a look at the exact steps to lubricate air tools effectively:

Oiling of Impact Wrench

M7 air impact wrench

A pneumatic impact wrench has two critical lubrication points — the motor and the impact mechanism — each requiring a distinct approach to oiling. Use a designated oil lubricator for the motor directly at the air inlet or via an FRL.

Motor Lubrication Process:

  • Deposit 10-15 drops of specialized pneumatic oil into the air inlet.
  • Briefly run the wrench to allow the oil to circulate within the motor.
  • Apply additional oil every few hours during extensive usage without an automatic lubricator.

Caring for the Impact Mechanism:

Follow one of these methods, depending on your tool's design:

For Oil Bath Mechanisms: Dip the wrench's front end into oil for low-maintenance upkeep. Then, empty and refill the oil with the suggested variety.

For Grease Mechanisms: Directly grease the points where the anvil meets the hammer to reduce friction. Regular greasing is essential to prevent increased friction and heat.

How To Oil Pneumatic Nail Guns?


Pneumatic nail guns need consistent oiling to prevent wear and corrosion while driving nails with precision and force.

Oiling Steps:

  • Empty the nail gun to ensure safety and ease of oiling.
  • Position the gun upright to facilitate the oil application.
  • Administer 3-5 drops of pneumatic oil to the trigger, air fitting, and feeding mechanism.
  • Engage the trigger several times to spread the oil uniformly.

Buy Industry Leading Impact Tools At a Discounted Price With JB Tools

JB Tools offers a variety of air tool brands including high-quality Astro Pneumatic toolsMighty7Chicago PneumaticAircatIngersoll Rand, and more at discounted prices. These tools enhance your project efficiency and stand the test of time with proper maintenance. Equip yourself with the best tools for oiling air tools at discounted prices, from cut-off tools to air riveter motors, ensuring peak performance.